Lean on His Arms (FWBC)

8 months ago

Lean on His Arms Lyrics:

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
He’ll help you along, help you along;
If you will trust His love unfailing,
He’ll fill your heart with song.

Lean on His arms, trusting in His love;
Lean on His arms, all His mercies prove:
Lean on His arms, looking Home above,
Just lean on the Saviour’s arms!

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
He’ll brighten the way, brighten the way;
Just follow gladly where He leadeth,
His gentle voice obey.

Lean on His arms, trusting in His love;
Lean on His arms, all His mercies prove:
Lean on His arms, looking Home above,
Just lean on the Saviour’s arms!

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
O bring ev’ry care, bring every care!
The burden that has seemed so heavy,
Take to the Lord in pray’r.

Lean on His arms, trusting in His love;
Lean on His arms, all His mercies prove:
Lean on His arms, looking Home above,
Just lean on the Saviour’s arms!

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
Then leave all to Him, leave all to Him;
His heart is full of love and mercy,
His eyes are never dim.

Lean on His arms, trusting in His love;
Lean on His arms, all His mercies prove:
Lean on His arms, looking Home above,
Just lean on the Saviour’s arms!

➤ Lyrics & Music: Edgar Lewis & L.E. Jones
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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