The Secret Behind Communism - David Duke (2013)

4 months ago

The revolution occurred in Russia, and although a percentage of Russians participated in it, it was not a "Russian Revolution." It was led by an alienated, non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that hated Russia, Russians, and the Tsar for their alleged anti-semitism. As will be documented in this book, their fellow tribalists around the world financed, and their shock tropos executed the brutal takeover of the Russian government. Upon achieving total power, their deep, psychopathic, racist hatred became manifest in the greatest human slaughter of all time. Any historian who has studied modem Communism from its ideological origins in Karl Marx and Moses Hess, through the mass dispossession, forced starvations, and Gulags of the twentieth century, is aware that Communists are the real world champions of mass murder. There is no historical dispute that Communist regimes killed many times more innocents than any other government in history, including Hitler's Germany. But unlike thousands of even lowly soldiers of Germany, the Red Terror murderers of millions have not been hunted down across the face of the Earth. They have not faced trial for their horrific crimes against humanity. Perhaps even more importantly they have never faced the court of popular revulsion. Why? It is because these Communist perpetrators have been shielded by their tribal brethren who now identify with Zionism who have an inordinate influence on media, academia, and governments.

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