A war aware

9 months ago

The time lines. The resets. The agendas. What ever you chose to call them. There starting to collide.
Can you imagine anyone trying to force anyone into a draft in this climate? Kids that grew up on gangsta rap, heavy metal, or even college indoctrination? Seriously?
There are many who will follow in there family footsteps. And under any other circumstance. It would be thought of as the right things to do. But we know to much now. Those that don’t know. Are to rebellious.
Or think there above fighting for anyone other than themselves.
It’s all a sham to shake people to there core. And more and more people are getting very angry, some plead, I’ve seen grown men in tears. Having break downs. Because they just can’t support There family.
These secret puppet masters better flip the switch. Or the white hats may find themselves hanging too.
That’s how bad people are suffering.
Find God, pray and hang on tight.
Desperate people do desperate things. It’s claimed that the white hats whole point was to avoid a civil war. It looks to me. Like many May not make it till the November fake bullshit.

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