An Opportunity To Prove Yourself | Green Beret Leadership Program

8 months ago

We all want to be tested, to prove we are who we think we are.

And so we spend our lives looking for opportunities to prove ourself.

As Seneca put it: “No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.”

We all want that satisfaction of striving for a worthwhile goal and proving ourself by accomplishing it.

But why do you really want to prove yourself, do you want admiration and outside approval? Or are you intrinsically motivated?

The more we look for the approval of others the further away we get from our own happiness.

You are the only one who can say whether or not you led a worthy life, you're the only who defines success.

Don't waste time seeking out ways to prove yourself to others, you are the only judge of your performance.

When you set a goal for yourself, decide on that next test, think about why you want to accomplish it- and don't let others define success for you.

#10xYourTeam #tedtalk #leadership #success #fractionalcoo #purpose #veteran #greenberet

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