How to Conquer and Rule Over Every Enemy of Your Soul I Winning the War Within

7 months ago

How to Conquer and Rule Over Every Enemy of Your Soul I Winning the War Within. In this Christian Faith Education video, we teach Christians how to pray before GOD to begin the process of defeating, conquering and ruling over all the enemies of their soul be it in their Intellect, Will, Imagination, Memory and Emotions.
The motivation here for Believers in The Lord Christ Jesus is to know and understand that they always can believe, like and walk in victory in Christ Jesus in the area of keeping their life pure spiritually, psychologically (This means both Mentally and Emotionally), physically, socially, and economically under subjection and in submission to The Holy Spirit.


At Almighty GOD's behest unto us, we are providing this prayer completely free here in the Description Box. Please feel free to copy and paste this pray so you have access to it daily to pray & begin your day with GOD.

Opening Entreaty Unto The Lord our GOD:
Heavenly Father, I give you all Glory, Honor, and Praise for You are The Lord my GOD, my Lord, King, Savior and Redeemer. Father, I enter Your Gates with Thanksgiving, Appreciation, and Gratitude and I enter Your Courts with Praise, Admiration and Adoration in my heart. Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name, I come boldly before Your Throne of Grace to obtain Mercy and to find Grace to help in this time of need. Lord, You said in Your Word to be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving, I can make my request known to You.

The Prayer:
Heavenly Father, by Your Grace, I conquer every enemy of my soul within me in accordance with the Authorization You have given me to do so, as recorded in: Job 22:28; Hebrews 1:3; Matthew 16:19; Matthew 11:12 (Amplified Classic Bible Version); Galatians 5:24; Colossians 3:5-10; Matthew 16:24-26; Galatians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Galatians 2:20; Proverbs 18:21; Mark 11:23; and Isaiah 45:11.

Father, I decree by The Word of Power the flesh within me to be Crucified and its deeds Mortified, in The Name of The Lord Jesus. Father, I decree by The Word of Power self within my soul to be denied, starved to death, and thereby deprived of all life, power, and influence within me, in The Name of The Lord Jesus.

Father, I decree by The Word of Power separation from feelings, and all errant feelings to be put to death, and all other feelings to be brought into and under Subjection, until they are subdued, to the Sovereignty of The Lord GOD and to the Precious Word of GOD, in The Name of The Lord Jesus. Father, I decree by The Word of Power my humanity, in all its frailty and weakness, in all its passions, drives, and mechanisms, to be brought into and under Subjection, until it is subdued, to the Sovereignty of The Lord GOD and to the Precious Word of GOD, in The Name of The Lord Jesus.

Now Father, please let me abide in The True Vine, that is Christ Jesus my Lord, and enter into Your Rest, that place in The Holy Ghost, through The Word of GOD, where I can enjoy The Kingdom of GOD - Righteousness, Peace and Joy in The Holy Ghost, and thereby apply The Word of GOD to every area and relation of my life and in every aspect of my being, and live and walk in The Holy Spirit, and be led and controlled by The Holy Spirit, and bear Fruit of The Holy Spirit, for Your Glory, in The Name of The Lord Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I wan to thank You now for Hearing, Answering, and Performing each of these Prayer Points in my life for Your Glory, Honor, and Praise. I receive all these points done by Faith. I thank You for doing each and every one by The Holy Spirit, and I Seal this Prayer done by The Blood of The Lamb which Ratifies my Covenant with You in Jesus Name. Amen. Amen.
All video creation, editing, publishing and all Thumbnail artwork done by Diadem Graphic Creations and Design, LLC (c) copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

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