Tank Cooks McGriddles

9 months ago

Recipe sent by Nicholas Libertucci

Send your recipe ideas to NJTank99@gmail.com

1 Pack of Taylor Ham (You can use bacon also, but I like Taylor Ham)
1 Egg
1 Box of pancake mix (add water is fine, up to you)
1-2 slices of American Cheese
1 Bottle of Maple Syrup
Salt, Pepper, and Accent to taste

1. In a mixing bowl, make pancake batter (follow box instructions)
2. Once the pancake batter is done, put it in the fridge until later
3. In a pan on medium heat, cook 1-2 pieces of Taylor ham once cooked remove from the pan and place on the side
4. In the same pan where the pork roll was cooked, fry one egg (season with what you want) (you can scramble it, but fried is easier for this recipe). Once done, remove the cooked egg from the pan and place it on the side as well.
5. Remove pancake batter from the fridge and in the same pan as the egg and pork roll was cooked (this way, the pancake batter can absorb all the grease, giving the pancake a nice color), pour enough pancake batter to make a decent size pancake (try to make the pancake size a little bigger than the Taylor ham/egg). *It is important to see how much grease is in the pan; if the egg has soaked all of it up, you need to add any sort of cooking oil so the pancake does not stick*
6. Once the pancake starts to bubble (a few minutes), place in this order the Taylor Ham, egg, and 1-2 slices of cheese on top of the pancake, then pour enough batter to cover the Taylor Ham, egg, and cheese.
7. Once covered, flip immediately and cook on the other side until golden brown.
8. Plate the meal and pour syrup to taste!

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