Covid-19 Mandates: Violated First Principles & Conventional Wisdom!

7 months ago

The steps taken during the early phases of the pandemic violated not just conventional wisdom but thinking from first principles. Books published as of May 2020 reveal how first principles and conventional wisdom could have stopped the pandemic or lives lost before the introduction of Remdesivir or the mRNA vaccines. When you hear government officials or other private individuals use the phrase “WHAT WE KNEW AT THE TIME”, you’re listening to either a secretly paid stooge or someone who really knew nothing at that time and probably still doesn’t know much about Covid-19. What we knew at the time was enough to stop millions dying or getting hospitalized or the now obvious consequences of the mRNA Vaccines. If you doubt this and are willing to invest a little time and money in scientific evidence gathering, the link below from a book I wrote and published as of May 28, 2020 will remove any doubts you have based on what you now know.

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