Show 155: Intro to The 10 Commandments

7 months ago

In this episode we begin to discuss the 10 Commandments.

The Ten Commandments were given by God to the Jews on Mount Sinai.
We Christians are bound to observe the Ten Commandments of God, both because God has imprinted them upon the human heart, and because Christ laid them upon us anew in a more full and perfect form.
The Ten Commandments of God are arranged in order.
He who keeps all these commandments receives a great re ward from God on earth, and after death he may look forward to eternal felicity as his portion.
Temporal and eternal chastisements await the man who grievously violates a single one of these commandments.
It is not a difficult matter to keep these commandments as long as God helps us with His grace; hence Christ says to His followers: "My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matt. xi. 30).

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