The Psychology of The Number One

7 months ago

Psychologically, the number 1 refers to primal unconsciousness. It is a state of non-differentiation, in which we are not yet aware of our potential, which lies undiscovered and undeveloped. As such, it symbolises the principle of individuation in the state of unrealised potential.

One is no number, hen to pan (one is all). This is expressed in the ancient symbol of the ouroboros, depicting a snake eating its own tail. Jung writes:

“One, as the first numeral, is unity. But it is also “the unity”, the One, All-Oneness, individuality and non-duality—not a numeral, but a philosophical concept, an archetype and attribute of God, the monad.”

It is not surprising that the number 1 or monad is generally treated as a symbol of unity and the origin of all things.

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