Bird Flu: Separating Fact from Fiction and True Danger from Fear-mongering

7 months ago

Dr Peter McCullough provides an analysis of the Bird Flu pandemic cage that nefariously funded scientists, health care services and mainstream media are helping to build into our lives. Destroying the food supply is a clearly stated intention of certain powerful actors who have zero knowledge of, or role in, public health.

Did testing and euthanasia protocols help create the appearance of a sudden-spreading deadly novel virus? The evidence gets stronger for those who care to look.

In the case of Covid, a shocked global population, including shocked and frightened medical and health professionals, complied (and in many places, continue to comply with) deadly protocols which killed their vulnerable patients.

In the case of bird flu, the deadly protocols are being applied to animals. Cull animals and blame their deaths on a virus.

This is all a part of the pandemic business model - public money goes into the cycle of gain of function research followed by biosurveillance to detect pathogens, leading to product uptake (tests, uniforms such as masks and hazmat suits, oral and injectable pharmaceuticals), and justification for disruption to the lives of the "little people" which culminates in mass corporate profit and political power.

The megalomaniacs behind this have intent to impoverish humanity for their own gain. The only way out of this is mass non-compliance.


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