Still fantasized Chinese are copycats

4 months ago

Video: Still fantasized Chinese are copycats? Hypersonic missiles and glide-capable munitions are the future of warfare. China's already there. 還幻想中國人都是山寨貨?高超音速飛彈和滑翔彈藥是戰爭的未來。中國已經在那裡了.

Hypersonic weapons travel at five times the speed of sound. Modern militaries are racing to develop and deploy these munitions, because they will so decisively shift power projection.

According to Top Secret documents that were leaked on Discord last year, China has already successfully tested and deployed these weapons, and are adapting them for use against both land-based and naval assets, which strongly implies risk to US Navy and allied vessels operating anywhere in the Western Pacific.

Despite spending billions of dollars, the United States has still failed to successfully test hypersonic missiles, even though we've lowered their performance thresholds.

高超音速武器的飛行速度是音速的五倍。 現代軍隊正在競相開發和部署這些彈藥,因為它們將決定性地改變力量投射。

根據去年在Discord 上洩露的絕密文件,中國已經成功測試和部署了這些武器,並正在對其進行改造,以用於對付陸基和海軍資產,這強烈暗示了美國海軍和在任何地方行動的盟國船隻面臨的風險在西太平洋。


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