Holy cow… it’s really happening.. Saudi Arabia has ditched the US dollar

7 months ago

Holy cow… it’s really happening..

Saudi Arabia has ditched the US dollar and WILL NOT renew the 50 Year 'Petro-Dollar' Agreement Established in 74’ with the United States.

SA will now sell oil in multiple currencies, instead of exclusively in US dollars, and potentially the use of digital currencies.

I’m gonna be real with everyone… I think things are going to start getting really expensive, really soon…

The normie reaction should be… this would never have happened under Trump. It will be felt…

My reaction is, it never would have collapsed if Trump was in office…. EXACTLY… 👈

The petro dollar is the root of a lot of evil and I could not see us winning anything if this did not change.

I believe Joe Biden was put in place in order for the entire corrupt and diseased financial system to crash.

I believe whether good or bad, it’s coming down under Biden. Not Trump. By design, to bring a new rebuilt financial system.

Trump has said the dollar is collapsing and would no longer be the world standard… he’s been warning us.

God placed us on this path and I have to Trust that God placed Trump in position to get us back to something tangible and fair for the entire world.

That’s what this entire journey has been about…

Are you ready for the next phase?


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