8 months ago

This picture book was created specifically for children from prekindergarten to third grade. To put this into perspective this could be as young as 3 years old. This picture book depicts a family with a daughter, appearing to be around 4 years old, who begins to act out, claiming to not like her name, her clothes, her long hair, or her bedroom. Instead of these red flags prompting her parents to step in with love and truth to affirm the value and purpose of their wonderfully made little girl, they allow her to cut her hair, they change her clothes, they change her room, and they change her name. These two adult guardians choose to be lead by their 4 year old daughter as if it is wisdom to recognize 4 year olds as developmentally competent to lead adults. This picture book is purposefully confusing from its illustrated cover and title to its last passage. I say that it is on purpose because the implication is that what is normal is hurtful and oppressive and a new normal is necessary to be truly caring and inclusive. Unfortunately this is a sleight of hand that is malicious and deceptive. This “new normal”, by definition is opposite of normal, or in other words, abnormal. Historically speaking, abnormalities have been indicative of something going terribly wrong. I fail to see how exposing 4 to 9 year olds to this confusing abnormality is going to help to shape them into mentally, physically and spiritually healthy adults who prioritize objective truth. The answer is simple, it was never meant to.

ON PODCAST: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vmlzBogxUMudwTHwHGxz8

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