Another walk 'n' talk.

8 months ago

Boy oh boy is this place a shit-fest of BS.
They pull us this way, then that'a wayand finally they pull us apart, pick the bones, boil to extract the very marrow and it's off to the future tourist haunts of catacombs.

Resets eh, they're a bugger...Oops! Did a Noel Edmonds there.

Enjoy, or's cost eff-all eitherway.

Much L❤ve


Going as planned.(Warning:very upsetting)
A second stabbing in Finland appears to be racially motivated, police say.

In this inverted reality this means..he'll do well in THIS world.
Singer Ivan Gallegos held on bail after man is stabbed to death.
(Self defence?, he felt threatened?, or a frat initiation to promotion?but stabbed multiple times!?)

Rich kids eh, we have the same here in the is covered up, mostly, also.

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