8 months ago

Harry Fisher tells his story as a paramedic in America experiencing a very real and ongoing American Genocide. We the people are still being silently butchered by these killer vaccines... some at night in their bed all alone... or sometimes in a public arena... all of a sudden. Sudden deaths are everywhere... never seen before until the vaccine roll outs.

Harry sees up close the high death rates... as he is called to aid fallen Americans who have either taken the covid shots willing... or the little babies and children forced vaxxed with no say in the matter.

Also he has witnessed for himself... massive amounts of women having miscarriages and losing their babies.

Dr. James Thorp a famous and published OBGYN, says that there have been over 585 million deaths and injuries by these depopulation bioweapon injections. This is a global holocaust of humanity.

This is a genocidal event the world has never seen before... Unprecedented!

You can order Harry's Fishers true story (still going on) at Fishersbook.com.

Please support him by buying a book or books to share... so he can continue to sound the alarm... warning folks not to take the vaccines anymore... of any kind! These shots have been designed to injure, kill and even cause sterility in both men and women.

America is witnessing massive die offs of its population... and paramedic Harry Fisher is a frontline witness to this... firsthand!

Wake up everyone... demand your Congressmen and Senators to stop the shots once and for all. The shots are a Trojan horse for global totalitarian fascist tyranny, injury, destruction and death. They also need to deban the W.H.O., the CDC, the FDA, the CIA, DARPA, DOD, and every other demonic organization that has carried this global genocide. Enough is Enough! All these globalists elite need to be thrown in Jail and tried for their crimes against humanity. We need a Nuremberg 2.0 all over again!

So for now... Just say a big "NO!" to everything these WEF Globalist throw our way.

God Bless you! Stay close to Christ. He loves you and wants you to walk with Him. He doesn't want any to perish but all to come to repentance. Take care!
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