Laura Aboli - FEAR

9 months ago

Laura shares many inspirational thoughts and I enjoy following her on Telegram. This post deals with fear, which is a tool used by our enemies to control our actions. When we are in a state of fear, rational thinking is compromised.

Video Transcript:

We go trough life making choices based on fear, a fear that was learned, a fear that was taught.

Fear of failure, of rejection, of solitude and of pain,
Fear of viruses, fear of wars, fear of ageing and disease

We live life under the misconception that we are weak and powerless. And we struggle to navigate this world under the fake illusion of scarcity and finality.

It’s time to unlearn fear so we can learn freedom. Time to unlearn compliance so we may learn responsibility. Time to unlearn enslavement so we may learn sovereignty and it’s time to unlearn the lies, so we may learn the truth.

Fear resides in the minds of those that live in tomorrow but it’s time we start living today, not with the fear we were taught but with the love we were born with.

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