Real Life Angry Birds

6 years ago

Angry Birds is such an amazing game! I’m sure you’ve all played it at least once! However, I bet you have never tried playing Angry Birds in real life! Prepare to have your mind blown! As the clip begins, you can see three teen boys outside lying on the ground. They are not just lying there for no reason, they are creeping up on a bird that’s observing them. It’s the teen boys against the angry bird. The suspense is real! I hope they’ve made a good plan how to take the bird down. The boys approach the bird and stand up really slowly. But then, something unexpected happens! The bird goes crazy and starts chasing them! It even attacks one of the boys! LOL! The teen boys have to abort the mission! They turn around and run for their life! One thing’s for sure, they’ve definitely failed at this level! The bird wins! How funny is this real-life version of Angry Birds? Absolutely hilarious!

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