For Èuphoria and Ênergy?

9 months ago

Did you know that
almost every aspect
of how you handle your life,
is owed to how you use,
your breath?

for better health,
less disease?

Inhale and exhale
through the nose.

to generate energy?

Inhale and exhale
through the mouth

for meditate?

Short inhales
through the nose.
looong exhale.
through the mouth.

Breath of fire.
for euphoria
and energy?

rapid inhale and
rapid exhale,
through the nose.

releases trauma?

Loong inhales.
through the mouth,
loong exhales
through the mouth.

for deep grounding
and body connection?

Inhales through the mouth.
exhales through the mouth
in an O shape.

for instant joy?

Inhale and exhale
through the mouth
in a whistle.
#GPSaudio #AudioGPS
#Web3GPS #Web4Audio

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