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Imperial Decay ClassWarFilms
"Propad imperija – Ameriška pot v zaton"
🔴 Osrednja misel:
Vsak imperij je nedemokratičen, nasilen in temelji na ekonomski eksploataciji. Ameriška želja po svetovni hegemoniji je pripeljala do imperialnega prekomernega raztezanja (overreach), ki je začelo proces njenega neizogibnega propada. Kot vsa prejšnja cesarstva – od Rima do Sovjetske zveze – tudi ZDA ne morejo uiti svoji zgodovinski usodi.
1️⃣ Smrad propada – znak umirajočega imperija
📌 Imperiji ne propadejo nenadoma – gnijejo od znotraj in zunaj.
Prepoznaven vonj propada je bil prisoten pri vseh umirajočih imperijih – od nacistične Nemčije in militaristične Japonske do razpadajoče Sovjetske zveze.
Ameriško cesarstvo je vstopilo v svojo terminalno fazo, saj so znaki gnitja očitni:
✔ Prvi neuspehi v vsiljevanju lastne volje (Koreja, Vietnam).
✔ Ponavljajoči se porazi v "lahkih" vojnah (Afganistan, Irak, Sirija).
✔ Notranja družbena in politična razgradnja (naraščajoča revščina, razredne delitve, korupcija).
✔ Propadajoč ugled in izguba globalne legitimnosti.
📌 Imperiji ne propadejo zaradi vojaške šibkosti – propadejo zaradi notranje gnilobe.
Ameriška vojaška moč je na vrhuncu, a to ne preprečuje njenega zaton.
Ko imperij ne more več vsiliti svoje moči kljub tehnološki premoči, začne izgubljati nadzor.
Če je vojna edino orodje za obvladovanje sveta, pomeni, da imperij nima več resničnega vpliva.
2️⃣ Ameriški "zmagoslavni trenutek" in iluzija absolutne moči
📌 Razpad Sovjetske zveze je ZDA pustil kot edino supermoč.
Namesto da bi uporabile priložnost za globalno stabilnost, so ZDA sprožile neskončne vojne.
Ameriške elite so začele verjeti, da je svet popolnoma pod njihovo oblastjo.
Vojne v Iraku, Afganistanu, Libiji, Siriji so bile poskusi utrjevanja svetovne hegemonije.
📌 Toda imperialni presek se vedno konča enako – s prekomernim raztezanjem in propadom.
Napad na Irak (2003) – popolna laž, ki se je spremenila v kaos.
Afganistan (2001–2021) – vojna, ki se je končala v ponižajočem umiku.
Podpora plačancem in teroristom (Sirska vojna) – znak, da ameriška vojska ne zmore več sama voditi vojn.
📌 Ameriški imperij je dokazal svojo nemoč, svet pa je to videl.
ZDA so izgubile sposobnost nadzora nad državami, ki bi jih morale "enostavno" obvladovati.
Ko imperij izgubi sposobnost nadzora nad šibkejšimi državami, pomeni, da je v propadu.
3️⃣ Kako se imperiji sesujejo?
📌 Imperiji ne izginejo čez noč – njihova moč se razkraja skozi več faz:
1️⃣ Prvi porazi in nezmožnost nadzora nad šibkimi nasprotniki.
2️⃣ Povečana odvisnost od brutalne vojaške sile za vzdrževanje moči.
3️⃣ Notranja ekonomska kriza in politična polarizacija.
4️⃣ Globalna izguba legitimnosti in pojav alternativnih sil (Kitajska, Rusija, BRICS).
5️⃣ Nepovraten zaton in morebitni kolaps.
📌 Primeri iz zgodovine:
✔ Atene – poraz v peloponeški vojni, izguba hegemonije.
✔ Rim – preobremenitev vojaške moči, notranja korupcija, invazije barbarov.
✔ Španija – prekomerna ekspanzija, bankroti, izguba kolonij.
✔ Francija (Napoleon) – neuspešna invazija na Rusijo, padec cesarstva.
✔ Nemčija (Tretji rajh) – vojna na preveč frontah, notranji propad.
✔ Sovjetska zveza – vojaška moč na vrhuncu, a notranja ekonomija v ruševinah.
📌 ZDA so danes v isti fazi.
Vojaška moč na vrhuncu, a njena učinkovitost močno upada.
Ekonomski in socialni propad postajata očitna.
Globalni nasprotniki (Kitajska, Rusija, Iran, BRICS) postajajo močnejši.
Notranja kriza (politični razkol, korupcija, neenakost) spodkopava stabilnost države.
📌 Ko imperij izgubi zaupanje v lastno moč, je konec.
Ameriške elite še vedno živijo v iluziji svoje absolutne moči.
A realnost je, da imperij že propada – vprašanje je samo, ali se bo končalo z eksplozijo ali s tihim razpadom.
4️⃣ Finalni udarec – svetovna sprememba moči
📌 Imperij lahko propade na dva načina:
1️⃣ Postopen razkroj in umik (kot Britansko cesarstvo).
2️⃣ Katastrofalna vojna in propad (kot nacistična Nemčija).
📌 Kaj bo s ZDA?
ZDA so prešibke za novo svetovno vojno, a preponosne, da bi se mirno umaknile.
Lahko poskusijo tvegano vojno proti Kitajski ali Rusiji, kar bi pomenilo katastrofo.
Ali pa se bodo umaknile in postale le še ena velika država brez globalne hegemonije.
📌 Zakaj je ameriški propad neizogiben?
✔ Ekonomska izčrpanost – dolgovi in inflacija uničujejo gospodarstvo.
✔ Politična polarizacija – notranji razkol preprečuje učinkovito vodenje.
✔ Militarizem brez strategije – vojna ni več rešitev, ampak breme.
✔ Izguba globalnega ugleda – svet se obrača proti alternativam (Kitajska, BRICS).
📌 Vprašanje ni "če" bo Amerika propadla, ampak "kdaj" in "kako".
🔚 Zaključek – Usoda imperijev je vedno enaka
📢 ZDA so dosegle vrhunec in zdaj propadajo – tako kot vsi imperiji pred njimi.
📢 Njihova agresivna vojna politika je ustvarila preveč sovražnikov in izčrpala lastne vire.
📢 Imperij bo bodisi propadel postopoma ali pa sprožil vojno, ki bo pospešila njegov konec.
📢 Zgodovina ne prizanaša – vse velesile so nekoč verjele, da so nepremagljive.
💥 Vprašanje je le še, ali bo ameriški imperij končal kot Britanski (miren zaton) ali kot Rimski (kaos in propad).
All empires are evil; they are certainly undemocratic. Can the U.S. un-imperialize itself, or must it go the way of all empires? Collapse.
There is a characteristic stink that empires exude as they slip and stumble from the apex of their power, when the arrogant brute monster that had a cowed and conquered world under its boots is shuddering in systemic failure. We recognize it in our time, from Nazi Germany, Banzai Japan, and the titan Soviet Union. But the odor of imperial rot was the same in Persia, Athens, and Rome, and when Babylon's king shook to see the handwriting on his wall. This necrotic feeder has many causes. One is the shock an empire suffers at its first stunning inability to impose its mighty will. Another is the sheer awe at repeated failure to impose ordained outcomes. And then there is the sick secret suspicion that the era of its easy dominion is over. That nauseating stink is strong in our air again, this time the aroma of super-rating decease that offends the world as that of a floundering, moribund imperial America. When the Soviet Union's internally rotten zombie colossus crumbled and collapsed, it left America as the unrivaled hegemon in a totally subservient world. America had always been imperialist, but selectively so. When the USSR tanked, all restraints were gone. The fantasy of sole overlordship of the world suddenly seemed to America's owners not just possible, but irresistible. Overreach is the beginning of the end for empires. With the 21st century, the terminal phase of America's began. There had been a long preview. To an objective observer uninfected by the myth of American exceptionalism, the indicators of coming catastrophe were strong and clear. First was Korea, where the world's sole atomic power, triumphant after World War II, failed to crush a tiny, poor, and backwards semi-country. The no-win Korean truce was the first indication that American might could be stalemated. Second was the monumental failure of Vietnam. Having brutalized that tiny land with more bomb tonnage than was dropped in World War II, killing a million civilians, the empire was run out with its tail between its legs. That raw humiliation of our hubristic rulers goaded them to yet greater reliance on military force. Under Reagan, ego-bruised America only attacked states with no armies at all. Raids on Grenada and Panama were touted as victories instead of the ugly muggings they were. What they clearly showed, though, was that the empire's managers had doubled down on the hard-power imperial path. The high point of the empire redux was the sham war with Saddam's Iraq over Kuwait. Again, the US military's power to devastate a third world nation without naval or air defenses was boasted as proof that America, vaunted by our overlords as the indispensable nation, was number one. Empires do not crash, they rot, both inside and out. They do not fail from military impotence, they are often near their maximum destructive power when they implode. Blind to their inner pathology, and totally reliant on military force, they put their all into war to sustain their insatiable exploitation, and inevitably reach a tipping point, and fall. The endgame for imperial America began with what were peddled as more heroic victories, Afghanistan and Iraq. The world was advised after their invasions that the US mission was accomplished. A shameful, bloody, and bankrupting decade later, worn out and worsted by both enemies, America's military has been frog-marched out of Iraq, and is baffled, lost, and directionless in Afghanistan. It would seem that rational rulers might absorb a message written in the blood and money of their nation, but that is to misunderstand the function of empire. It is by violence abroad, and deception and repression at home, to enrich the ruling class at the cost of the utter ruin of its society. No government begins as an empire. Empires emerge when a power elite captures the mechanisms of control, and runs the engine of governance solely for its own ends. In America's case, this occurred early, easily, and utterly unknown to its naive and propagandized people. The process of an alien agent taking control of a host body is parasitism. The parasite, in nature, is indifferent to the health of its victim, and will feed on it and bleed it till it dies. This is what empires have always done to their societies. It has been done in America for generations with impunity, because the expanding empire had no need to swiftly devour its own. From the native west, into Latin America, then beyond, it spread its power like a plague. First with a military mailed fist, then with the velvet glove of gangster finance, creating crises of disaster capitalism, it has raped, robbed, and ruined nations all over the world. What then has changed? Why is it over now? Though it is fiercely denied by the empire's rulers, the dull sneering 1% who own America, it has overreached. The whole of its vast technologically superior military might was loosed on two poor, weak, disorganized third-world countries, and failed. All its fabulous and diabolical weaponry has not sufficed to enforce its control, and the world knows it. Now baffled by both military and moral vulnerability, the empire is reduced to paying mercenary jihadi killers to make the fight it can't make itself in Syria, while blustering and dithering toward Iran in clumsy, insecure intimidation. The effort is pathetic. The bluff has been called, and it must either back down now or go all-in, an insane act of national ego defense that could trigger world war last. It is astonishing hubris for a country to declare itself the indispensable nation, because as all history shows, there are none, and there never have been. Like so many empires before it, America bid too high for world dominion. Loss. The decline is now irreversible. Fall of the empire may come soon, or it may not, but it will come. All that is uncertain, especially to the helmsman of this imperial titanic, is whether it is to end with a bang, or a whimper.
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