Is it mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel that only Jews or Christians will enter heaven?

7 months ago

@islamichistory813 #HeavenlyDestiny #InterpretationOfScriptures #ReligiousBeliefs

Is it mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel that only Jews or Christians will enter heaven?

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders,In this thought-provoking islamic informative and educational video, we delve into the question of whether the Torah and the Gospel exclusively mention that only Jews or Christians will gain entry into heaven. By examining the sacred texts of both religions, we explore the interpretations and teachings surrounding this topic. so please be with us upto end of this video as we navigate through the scriptures, shedding light on the diverse perspectives and understanding the broader message conveyed. Gain a deeper understanding of the religious beliefs and explore the concept of salvation in Judaism and Christianity.

For understand this matter we have to read and understand verse 111 of Surah Al Baqarah, in this verse Allah said

We pray to Allah Almighty to give us permission to read and understand quran wa hadith, Ameen Allah Hafiz

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