Lawn Topdressing – Mix with Mycorrhiza and Rhizobacteria • Organifer

8 months ago

Lawn Topdressing – Mix with Mycorrhiza and Rhizobacteria

✔Professional topdressing for a lush and resilient lawn
✔Blend of active microorganisms, lava meal, cow dung, and worm castings
✔Natural soil conditioner and soil activator
✔Promotes availability and uptake of nutrients by the grass
✔A healthy, resilient soil is teeming with beneficial soil life
✔Facilitates symbiotic relationship between grass, fungi, and bacteria
✔Enhances grass resilience and growth
✔Microorganisms convert plant material and prevent thatch formation
✔Versatile application – suitable for lawns, sports fields, golf courses, parks, and borders
✔Contains billions of active microorganisms for a healthy soil ecosystem

This Lawn Topdressing Mix with living fungi and bacteria (including mycorrhizal fungi and Bacillus species) stimulates and activates the soil life. The ultimate topdressing based on a mix of worm castings and dried cow manure, enriched with minerals and trace elements from lava meal.

A fertile soil is alive!
Organifer feeds the soil and stimulates positive soil life. This Lawn Topdressing Mix restores the soil and prevents problems. The soil life provides buffering of nutrients, making them available when the grass needs them. By activating and introducing active soil life, not only is the grass fed, but so is the soil.

Grass lives in symbiosis with fungi and bacteria
This Lawn Topdressing Mix introduces and activates, among others, living Mycorrhiza fungi and Rhizobacteria. Positive soil life such as worms and fungi create tunnels in the ground through which air, organic material, and other nutrients are spread through the soil. Dead plant material is processed into nutritious raw material by composters. This Lawn Topdressing Mix is successfully used in practice to stimulate healthy soil life. Especially in the area around the plant root, the so-called rhizosphere, millions of fungi and bacteria live that exchange nutrients with each other and the plants, thus making each other’s life better.

Positive micro-life serves the plant, which in turn offers sugars. A healthy soil life contains thousands of different bacteria, fungi, and enzymes that cooperate in a certain way for mutual benefit. Certain bacteria neutralize dangerous substances such as heavy metals. The added Azotobacter bacteria take nitrogen from the air and exchange it for sugars with the plant. Other microorganisms break down dead plant material and convert it into absorbable nutrition. Some attack pathogens, while important fungi help retrieve nutrients deeper from the soil. Added Bacillus bacteria promote root growth and increase resistance to pathogens. In short, the soil is alive! A healthy ecosystem is crucial. Lawn Topdressing Mix brings the soil into balance, supports positive soil life, and increases plant and soil resistance. Healthy plants grow in a healthy soil, leaving no room for diseases and pests.

Lava meal is rich in essential minerals and trace elements.
Many soils are lacking minerals and trace elements, causing processes in the soil and plant to not function optimally. This Lawn Topdressing Mix is enriched with high-quality Organifer lava meal, which supplements essential minerals and trace elements. This naturally makes the soil more fertile.

Worm castings
Organifer vermicompost is considered the crème de la crème. It is a natural soil enhancer derived from composted plant residues, creating an optimal equilibrium in the soil, facilitating excellent growth and blooming of plants. Worm castings provide everything a plant truly craves: a highly organic content (humus), along with a plethora of trace elements, enzymes, minerals, bacteria, and fungi. Soil enriched with humus retains nutrients more effectively. When combined with worm castings, bacteria and fungi flourish, significantly improving soil structure.

Nutrition for healthy and vibrant grass
Organifer Gazon Topdressing Mix can be universally used for planting and maintenance purposes. The product has been successfully employed for lawns, golf courses, sports fields, horse pastures, as well as suitable for planting in ornamental gardens, borders, vegetable gardens, bulbs, tubers, roses, potted plants, orchards, and fruit trees.

Versatile application
Organifer Gazon Topdressing Mix can be universally used for planting and maintenance purposes. The product has been successfully employed for lawns, golf courses, sports fields, horse pastures, as well as suitable for planting in ornamental gardens, borders, vegetable gardens, bulbs, tubers, roses, potted plants, orchards, and fruit trees.

Instructions for use
Evenly spread the indicated amount over the surface to be fertilized. Ensure that no more than 1 litre per square metre is added and that it is distributed evenly across the lawn. It is better to repeat the treatment after a few weeks rather than overapplying on the existing lawn. For new lawns or in borders, lightly rake the Topdressing Mix. Apply this soil conditioner when rain is expected or irrigate afterward. It is suitable for all soil types, in any season, except during ground frost. Are you laying a new lawn? Then spread 2 litres per 1 square metre and work it in thoroughly.

Crop – Amount per kg m² – Application

▶Lawn topdressing: 1-2 litres per m²
▶Lawn establishment: 2-5 litres per m², spread evenly and lightly incorporate
▶Ornamental garden: 2-5 litres per m², spread evenly around plants in spring and lightly incorporate

Dry Matter: 67.8%
Organic Matter: 56.1%
Inorganic Matter: 43.9%
Total Nitrogen: 16.9 g/kg dry matter
Organic Nitrogen: 15.9 g/kg dry matter
Ammonium Nitrogen: 0.9 g/kg dry matter
Urea Nitrogen: <0.1 g/kg dry matter
Nitrate Nitrogen: 0.1 g/kg dry matter
Important Trace Elements
Phosphate: 7.9 g/kg dry matter
Potassium: 13.8 g/kg dry matter
Magnesium: 31.0 g/kg dry matter
Calcium: 45.9 g/kg dry matter
Sodium: 3.5 g/kg dry matter
Sulfur: 10.3 g/kg dry matter
Chloride: 5.6 g/kg dry matter
Silicon: 3920 mg/kg dry matter
Boron: 38 mg/kg dry matter
Copper: 49 mg/kg dry matter
Iron: 28235 mg/kg dry matter
Manganese: 480 mg/kg dry matter
Molybdenum: 3 mg/kg dry matter
Zinc: 174 mg/kg dry matter
Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. The Gazon Topdressing Mix contains live bacteria and fungi. Although they can survive well on the carrier of worm castings and cow dung, it is advised not to store this soil conditioner for an extended period but to apply it to the soil as soon as possible.

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