Werewolves, Dogmen and the Terror That Follows

7 months ago

Ryan Shields talks about his books that he has written and the experiences that he's had.
Firstly he talks about some werewolf encounters that have happened a couple of hundred of years ago. The frightening encounters with these dogmen accentuate the need for us to know more so that we can prepare ourselves if we ever come face to face with these demonic creatures

We also talked about how these creatures come into existence through black magic and pacts with demons. This sounds awfully similar to that of the skinwalkers which Ryan corrects me to say that skinwalker is a Navajo term, and that we mustn't confuse them.

Next Ryan goes into his first experience with these werewolves, where he and some of his friends had gone out into the woods, and were then surrounded by a pack of dogmen, that chased them out of the area. Pursuing their cars and even scratching the bumper of his vehicle. Would you venture back out into the forest after an encounter with a group of wild werewolves?

Next he talks about driving in his van, which loses power and he can not start back up, a terrifying image and vision is implanted in his head. That of a dogman hunting him down. Ryan exited the van to check under the hood of his van only to see a werewolf standing beside his van, Ryan quickly reacted and used his sword to partially sever the arm of the wolfman.

I look forward to our next adventure together as we navigate the mysteries that lie ahead. Until our paths cross again keep your curiosity wandering and ensure the light remains lit.

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Ryan Shields Bio:
I am a born again Christian, and a Master Martial Artist in the art of Ninjutsu, I am a full time paranormal investigator and Dogman/Cryptid researcher. I am a writer and author of 13 e-books. 4 out of the 13 e-books I have written, are Dogman e-books I have been investigating paranormal creatures for 21 years. I have had several paranormal encounters with demons. My first encounter with a demon took place when I was 4 years old. My fist Dogman encounter happened when I was 8 years old, at the first Summer Camp I attended in the Sierra Nevada Mountains here in California. I have encountered Dogmen 9 times in my life. I have dedicated my life to helping people understand and learn about these creatures.

Ryan Shields can be found:
Amazon: Encounters With Dogmen: Deaths & Missing Persons:

Amazon: The Upright Canine: The Natural Dogman:


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