Revolutionary Synthetic Oil Removes Engine Deposits and Improve MPGs

8 months ago

New technology has produced a full synthetic engine oil that repairs your engine by removing deposits and extending its life. New Restore & Protect Premium Full Synthetic is the biggest breakthrough in motor oil from Valvoline. With continuous use, Valvoline’s proprietary Active Clean technology removes up to 100% of deposits, while its exclusive Liqui-Shield technology works to prevent future deposit formation. A clean engine minimizes friction between metal surfaces, helping to improve fuel economy. Valvoline Restore & Protect is the best motor oil for any age vehicle, from a new car’s first oil change to high-mileage vehicles. There’s no other motor oil like it.

Valvoline Restore and Protect Premium Full Synthetic helps maximize fuel economy, horsepower, and engine life. It keeps your pistons factory clean. Renew. Restore. Repeat. (*with regular oil changes. In Adapted Sequence IIIH Testing: Piston Deposit Removal) The best motor oil for any age vehicle, from your new car’s first oil change to high-mileage vehicles.

We interview Dr. Michael Warhalik, Chemical Engineer from Valvoline to get all the details.

* The first motor oil to actively restore engine cleanliness and protect against future damage
* With continuous use, Valvoline Active Clean Technology removes up to 100% of deposits while Liqui-Shield Technology helps prevent future deposits with regular oil changes.
* 79% stronger anti-wear protection than industry standards (vs. GF-6 qualified oil)
* Minimizes friction between metal surfaces in your engine to help improve fuel economy
* The best motor oil for any age vehicle, from your new car’s first oil change to high-mileage vehicles
* Meets or exceeds all requirements of ILSAC GF-6A, API SP, API SN with SN PLUS, API SN, Resource Conserving, and all preceding API and ILSAC gasoline categories

Prices - $29.97 - 5 quarts
3 weights - 0w20; 5w20; 5w30

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00:00 Synthetic #Oil Removes #Engine Deposits
03:20 all engines benefit
05:00 better for environment
07:31 When to change your oil
08:33 Future of engine oil
10:38 Big difference

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