Judges 4: Deborah Part 2 - Barak takes command, Jael nails it - By Paul Woodley

7 months ago

Barak steps up once he knows God is fighting for Israel. He leads the charge against the enemy & Sisera's 900 chariots personally. God defeats the Canaanites by sending a gushing storm of waters down the river Kishon. Sisera flees on foot after abandoning his likely bogged chariot. He finds what he believes to be a safe tent in Jael's home. Only to have Jael kill him with a tent peg. Jael, a women, claims the glory of killing the famed general, as predicted by Judge & prophet Deborah. But Barak's name is recorded in the Hebrews Heroes of the faith chapter. Israel has 40 years of peace under the leadership of Deborah (whose name means bee).

Sydney based, verse by verse study of the Word of God.

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