Still are you being wrongfully forced to sympathise with them as minority?

8 months ago

Still you are forced to sympathise with them as due to the uprising of "blxck lives matters" movements, they're all allowed to now more of what they all actually do. Happening more now openly because #professionals #police #cops #securitycontrol fears calling their out for their acts will be marked by #mainstream #media as racists to today's Society's standard #truthbetold #truthbomb #realworldevidence #truthoftheday #wakeupworld #wakeupcall #lawreform #raisingawareness #realitycapture #truthtelling #ShockingStory #truthtelling #retail #shoplifters #hidden #truth #truthhurts #goodmorning #crimeprevention #immigrationcontrol #criminology #bordercontrol #trump2024 #truthsocial #truthhurts #uncensored #toolatetostop #strictrules #wakeupbritain

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