The One Shepherdess "Rachel" and Misteaching of Melissa Scott (Christians)

8 months ago

Please excuse the repetition on the subject matter. Probably would not be necessary if this false doctrine ceased. We'll be moving on from here, so take comfort in that.

Christianity and it various ministries really need to put to rest their erroneous doctrine regarding tithing. Especially since they don't even follow the Biblical practice as prescribed to Israel before the arriving of the Messiah.

Malachi - Genuine Worship and Giving from the Heart

1. Tithing = Welfare for the Priesthood of Levi and unfortunate
2. It was bound to the land of promise
3. It was consumables, food, wine, strong drink, beast of the field, harvest
4. Was never money or unrighteous mammon
5. Was a time to gather together to family and fellowship and share with each other in celebration.

So called bible teachers seem to omit the fact that is was a family practice and thus if ever mention the sharing of the bounty granted by Ahayah.

Said it before and I'll say it again. Christianity is false riddled with the Arrogance of Gentiles. But as the times of the Gentiles comes to a close so will their fallen faith.

I suggest major repentance for them and for once truly seek the Most High God Ahayah. For Ahayah is GOD

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