Ex-CIA: US Pentagon TERRIFIED Over New Russia Strike Plan!!

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Larry Johnson Former CIA https://sonar21.com/ and Stephen Gardner discuss Putins decision to send war ships carrying hypersonic missiles and a submarines with nuclear weapons right to US backdoor. Ships sit off coast of Florida near Cuba. We are in Cuban missile crisis 2.0

Right now a war ship capable of firing hypersonic missiles and nuclear missiles has moved from Russia to Cuba. Like Deja Vu we have a new Cuba Missile crisis on our hands. Should we be worried about this?

I’m also reading that Russia has nuclear sub off the coast of Florida. Likely moved to catch attention but also to accompany the war ship to Cuba. Thoughts on this.

Senator Lindsay Graham has said a few things that are concerning to me. When asked about Ukraine, Graham spent more time talking about protecting Ukraine’s minerals, resources and oil from Russia than he did about protecting the people. Your thoughts on him and this war.

Second, Senator Lindsay Graham was saying Senator Tuberville is fully bought into the Russia Ukraine war. He said Tuberville doesn’t believe Putin wants to take over Europe. I tend to lean towards Tuberville that I have this war but don’t believe Putin wants to take over Europe in the way Hitler did. Thoughts.

Scott Ritter had his Passport confiscated by the government while heading to Russia. Whats this all about?

Many European countries are ramping up for possible tactical war against Russia as they vow to help Ukraine no matter what. Biden has given Zelensky permission to attack Russia but cited Moscow as off limits. How dangerous is it to ramp up war while saying Russia is going to make a move on all of Europe?

Colonel Douglas MacGregor says Biden is moving us closer to war with Russia each day. Do you agree with that?

Why am I reading that General Mark Milley may have been involved in the January 6th insurrection or at least coordinated to make sure it was under manned while at the same time telling China if Trump makes a move I’ll tell you our plans and undermining Trump’s authority as commander and chief with the military and national guard?

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