Which Adviser Will We Listen To and Follow Today?

7 months ago

July 26 - Which Adviser Will We Listen To and Follow Today?
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There are two main advisers that you can listen to throughout your day. The first one is your higher self, the part of you that is forever One with the Divine energy of love. The second one is the false or ego self, that programmed part of you that is imprisoned within its own judgment-centric fear-based mindset. Today, let us note that, unconscious as it may be, we always ask for advice before doing anything or reacting to anyone. Whose advice we choose to follow will determine the kind of day we have. Follow God’s guidance and love will be the foundation of the day you experience. Follow the ego’s guidance and judgment, fear, confusion, conflict and chaos will result. It is the advice that we value most in any situation that we will end up choosing and thus experiencing.

Today, the choice of advisers is simple. It is a choice between our higher self and the ego, between love and fear. In every single moment, free will invites us to follow the adviser of our choice. When we pick our higher self as our adviser, love’s energies such as forgiveness, compassion, joy, peace, unity and understanding become our companions. When we pick the ego as our adviser, fear’s energies such as judgment, anger, anxiety, confusion, separation and conflict will engulf us. Thus how we experience this world is not a function of what is happening “out there,” but of which adviser we are choosing to follow. Today, before every interaction, stop, take a deep breath in, and ask yourself, “What kind of world would I like my children to inherit?” Then simply choose the adviser that will best help you create that world.
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