June 18 2024 BIG IMPACT/BOOM/COMET? DESERT ROSE:Access to the future & past lives(June 21st to 23rd 2024)Summer SOLSTICE

8 months ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only if it happens it happens! energy can extend two weeks to two months!

BIG IMPACT scattered big mess
red sea
newmoon july 5 2024
"today" "help"
green aventurine..luck,wealth,prosperity,balance
heart chakra
gold tiger eye....courage,confidence,balance,inner strength
sodalite...awakening stone,self expression,intuition,truth,throat chakra
carnelian..courage,protection,balance,calm and soothe
sacral chakra
clear quartz point...amplifies energy ,deflecting, negativity, balance body/ spirit
(crown chakra)
Amazonite...emotional balance, loving unconditionlly, peace and understanding
Tumble citrine...vision,will power, creativty, success
citrine...abundance, creativity, self confidence, energy boost
(solar plexus chakra)
Amethyst Geode....purification, meditation, spiritual awareness,inner peace and healing
Desert rose....spiritual guide, self worth, heart centered awareness
Access to futures/past lives

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