Thundering Feathers n Truth on the rocks.

8 months ago


Why does the state of israel exist to begin with?
Let alone with a self-entitled attitude with them irksome
The unsinkable aircraft carrier in tthe Middle East
is sinking quickly.
And she be taking on led shoes.

Why is this smart?

Just askin is all.

Daddy B


"NATO creates a market for defense sales." Quoth Jens Stoltenberg.
his true job description.
And this is a good thing, be his synopsis.
We did tell yas all, not a thing was gonna remain hid right?
No surprises.

Warms BRex:202


An unguided spirit is capable of rationalizing anything at all.
Even postulating the USA be some
kind of democracy?
This be One good reason why Ukraine no longer exist.
any kind of viable Principality. I think Vladimir needs drive a steamroller
over the whole joint.
The birthplace of New Nazi's have no truck with Our God just like them
Fake jews Zionist land needs the same steam roller as Ukraiinie.
And anyone be dull enough to worship them lies be stunned as them.
Both be holding NAZI hands worldwide. But in secret so don't tell no one.
They be
Pourquoi? Prey tell?
And have a higher morality than Hamas or Hezbollah such
a pithy joke. Even Mackk-krone en la frenchie town be hummp
the village drunken duck. Along with bobo boris all dressed up inn
Nazi DDragg
n grinning so proud a him new boy friends?
They worship lies and not a thing but lies. It bee how they
know each other. The more preposterous the lie the
higher on the circle jerk chain.

Warms BlakeCushingRex:202

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