Gay FLAG Football on Biden Cheap FAKES with MAGA Rap

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Viral VIDEOS and Political Commentary with COMEDY

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WH press sec says videos of Biden lost and confused are “deepfakes”

"asrvhncghffvsazfvay" - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., 46th President of the United States of America

MSNBC Nicole Wallace “There’s a growing & insidious trend in right-wing media … to take highly misleading & selectively edited videos of Pres. Biden … and use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on Pres. Biden’s fitness for office.”

Biden campaign national co-chair: “I wonder why anybody is questioning Joe Biden’s mental acuity.”

Ramin Setoodeh claims “Trump had severe memory issues. As the journalist who spent the most time with him, he couldn’t remember things, he couldn’t even remember me.”

The White House recognizes 'World Elder Abuse Awareness Day' — as they actively participate in elder abuse

Bills to sponsor National Gay Flag Football League chapter in Buffalo, OVER 250 TEAMS IN 26 LEAGUES ACROSS THE US & CANADA ARE MEMBERS OF NGFFL

KJP: “I want to say a few words in recognition of pride month. It’s time to recommit ourselves to do more to support LGBTQI+ rights at home and around the world.”

Putin & Kim Jong-Un arguing over who goes in the car first

Reporter passes out during briefing:

MAGA Rapper

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