WEF Orders Schools to Force Children to Watch Hardcore Porn!

8 months ago

The WEF is now calling for schools to introduce children as young as 4-years-old to hardcore pornography in an effort to encourage children to “explore their sexuality and gender options” outside of the family home.

The WEF, which has tapped the Clinton family to push the initiative, claims there is a right-wing campaign to deny children the human right of enjoying their sexuality and trying on different genders for size away from the prying eyes of parents.

Hillary Clinton infamously declared that it takes a village to raise a child – and conservatives at the time were right to question her intentions.

The Clintons believe that children should be encouraged to enjoy hardcore porn so that they can explore their sexuality and gender identity.

Chelsea Clinton, who previously insisted that a person with a beard and a penis “can absolutely be a woman,” is now dedicating her time and resources to promoting the dissemination of hardcore pornographic material in our schools. According to Chelsea, it is “harmful” for children to grow up in an environment without pornography.

To put Chelsea’s statement in context, the book she is recommending contains sexually explicit material, including visual depictions of oral sex, anal sex, masturbation and, most disturbingly, adult sexual contact with a minor.

We probably shouldn’t be surprised considering who raised her. This is a portrait of her father found in the mansion of the notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his close friend. It seems the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

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WEF Encourages Porn, Chelsea Clinton Porn for Kids, Satanic Pedophiles,

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