Saturday Studies The Beginnings - Genesis 10 6-22-2024

8 months ago

Genesis 10 is a chapter of the genealogies of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. There are seventy nations listed by way of descendants that populated the world. It starts with Japheth, whose descendants went mostly to the European continent. Ham's descendants went mostly to the African continent, and Shem's descendants went mostly to Asia and the East.
We see some names of descendants who became associated with geographic areas that we recall from prophetic Scriptures that are relevant to us in our day.
Japheth's line is mentioned first, Ham's line second, and Shem's line the last to be mentioned. Dr. McGee points out that this follows a precedent we find in other places of Scripture where the most important of the list is mentioned last. Shem is the last one mentioned and it is from his line that the Messiah comes.

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