Kari Reith of Zeal Cigars Contest Announcement

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Welcome to the I'd Tap That Cigar Show Presented by Corona Cigar.

Our guest tonight is Kari Reith of Zeal Cigars.

You can find Zeal Cigars online at:
Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/zeal.teamsix/
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/groups/2223426774612417
Website → https://zealcigars.com/raffle/ticket/

I'm your host, Kevin Shahan, and each week, I come to you live from the Drew Estate Experience Acid Studios in Florida.

Make sure you are following us on HowTube

Also, give us a follow on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/CigarProp

Joining me as co-host is Kerr Viajante of Stogie Road Cigars
You can find Kerr Viajante online at:
Instagram at → https://www.instagram.com/vsrcigarfam

Also joining us is Producer Jessica.
You can find Jess online at
Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/jessicambrandt/

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To stay up to date on everything Cigar prop, click here to sign up for our monthly newsletter. → https://goo.gl/75hpPD

Follow Cigar prop on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cigarprop
Follow Cigar prop on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cigarprop
Follow Jessica on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jessicambrandt
Follow Cigar prop on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cigarprop

Requests to join the I'd Tap That group on Facebook at http://bit.ly/idtapthatshow

Check out www.tapthatcigar.com for I'd Tap That merchandise.
Check out www.cigarprop.com for quality custom portable cigar rests and other accessories.

Thanks for watching and make sure you head over to Zeal Cigars to check out this great contest!

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