The Rapture of the Church in 2 Thessalonians defended

8 months ago

Please pardon me if I am tone deaf and “overly excited” about God’s Word. Please put up with my manner of presentation.

The early church fathers talked about and believed in a rapture, even though there was some disagreement about it, so the idea of the rapture was not invented by Mr. Ryrie. He was merely the one who introduced America to the idea.

We will review the biblical statements, pointing to a rapture as well as various supporting scriptures throughout the rest of the Bible. We will also tear down some false traditions and arguments and presuppositions which go against the biblical truth of the rapture. Sometimes people don’t even question the false knowledge that they presume to be true and when you ask them to question it, they refuse.

For almost 1000 years Christians were legally prohibited from reading the Bible, and there was no Bible translation in a common language that they could understand. At the same time, counterfeit culture, religion, and false gospels were introduced and promoted as if it was legitimate Christianity. Only in the last 500 years have Christians formed and reclaimed their right to read the Bible and they had to essentially start from scratch and rediscovering everything that is inside. I’m not telling you something that’s new, I’m telling you the command that we had from the beginning. This is not something new and inventive, this is just getting back to the basics of the scripture that are contained in the pages of the Bible. So please walk with me as we excitedly look through scripture to see what exactly it says, and we will question any presupposition that goes against what the Bible says.

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