Why is there an Algorithm in the New York State Board of Elections Voter Roll and WHO Put it there?

7 months ago

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There has been a series of significant issues with a voter roll algorithm in the state of New York, interfering with a fair election process. Yes, you read that right: an dangerous algorithm was found in the New York State Board of Elections voter roll. Dr. Jerome Corsi talks with Andrew Paquette, formerly of the New York Citizens' Audit, who discovered the algorithm: "Voters in New York State are identified by two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information. One of the several algorithms discovered has been solved. It first utilizes a mechanism nearly identical to the simple ‘Caesar Cipher’ to change the order of a group of ID numbers. Then, it interlaces them the way a deck of cards is arranged to create a ‘stacked deck’. The algorithmic modifications create hidden structure within voter ID numbers. The structure can be used to covertly tag fraudulent records for later use." (Paquette, Research Abstract, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370835885_The_Caesar_cipher_and_stacking_the_deck_in_New_York_State_voter_rolls).

The question is: WHY is there an algorithm in the New York State Board of Elections voter roll, who put it there and to what end?
Dr. Corsi and Paquette go in-depth to answer the question on The Truth Central

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