Another Look Back at | 🕺 70s ☮️ Commercial Jingles | Part II | Ads with Songs 1970s

8 months ago

Back in Time: Episode 23
🕺 70s ☮️ Retro Commercials with Jingles Part II
The sequel, the Return, the Search for MOAR memorable 70s jingles!
TheVespor and Ramsis

Time to look back at some more fun Retro Commercials from the 70s that have Jingles playing throughout the whole advertisement. You know em, you remember the songs, you like to sing with them. Well we have 7 or 8 commercials to relive and enjoy once more to sing along to and look back on. Because like any good retro series, there is always a sequel.

Welcome to 'Retro Commercial Jingles: 1970s Part II' !

Be sure to like, comment and subscribe for more retro based episodes of 'Back in Time' as well as for our look at Retro Video Games, Movies and TV Shows. Here on TheVespor Gaming.

1) 00:29 Introduction
2) 01:23 Coca Cola - Coke Adds Life
3) 03:47 Bic Banana Ink Crayons
4) 06:18 Charms Blow Pops
5) 09:20 Reach Out and Touch Someone
6) 12:18 Freshen-Up - Love that Squirt
7) 15:37 Colgate - The Clean in your Mouth
8) 19:10 Alka Seltzer - Plop Plop Fizz Fizz
9) 21:44 Mystery Commercial Jingle
10) 25:27 Outro

#Commercials #RetroGaming #BackinTime #Jingles #1970s #1980commercials

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