Song Title: "As the Deer" #Psalm42 #WaitOnYahuah #RenewedStrength #RunNotWeary #WalkNotFaint

8 months ago

Dive into the depths of spiritual longing and divine assurance with "As the Deer," a soul-stirring rendition of Psalm 42. This song captures the profound yearning of a soul for Yahuah, expressed through the poignant imagery of a deer thirsting for water streams. Amid the trials and tears that seem to consume day and night, this melody is a heartfelt cry and a declaration of unshakable faith in the Almighty.

Drawing inspiration from the timeless words of Psalm 42, the song is imbued with the spirit of perseverance and hope as it echoes the sentiments of Lamentations 3:25-26 and Isaiah 40:31. It reminds us that Yahuah is good to those who wait for Him, encouraging the weary soul to wait quietly for Yahuah's salvation. As we wait on Yahuah, we are promised renewal and strength—envisioned as soaring on wings like eagles, running without weariness, and walking without fainting.

Through each verse, "As the Deer" invites you to experience the intimate and transformative presence of Yahuah. It encourages a journey from despair to praise, from turmoil to peace, reflecting the assurance that Yahuah, our Rock and our Deliverer, is ever-present and ever-faithful. Join us in this musical voyage as we lift our voices in joy and praise, affirming our trust in the salvation of His face—Yahusha, our Messiah and eternal hope.

Psalms 42 As a deer longs for the water streams, So my being longs for You, Alahim. My being thirsts for Alahim, for the living Al. When shall I enter in to appear before Alahim? My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day, “Where is your Alahim?” These I remember, and pour out my being within me. For I used to pass along with the throng; I went with them to the House of Alahim with the voice of joy and praise, A multitude keeping a festival! Why are you depressed, my being? And why are you restless within me? Wait for Alahim: for I shall yet thank Him, For the deliverance of His face! My Alahim, my being is depressed within me; Therefore I remember You from the land of the Yarden, And from the heights of Kermon, From Mount Mitsar. Canyon calls to Canyon at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and breakers passed over me. By day Yahuah commands His kindness, And by night His song is with me; A prayer to the Al of my life. I say to Al my Rock, “Why have You forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?” My enemies have insulted me, Like a crushing of my bones, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your Alahim?” Why are you depressed, my being? And why are you restless within me? Wait for Alahim: for I shall yet thank Him, the deliverance of my face, And my Alahim.

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