बंद हो सकते है अखबार ? सरकार कर रही है तैयारियां ? WHAT GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO DO

9 months ago

बंद हो सकते है अखबार ? सरकार कर रही है तैयारियां ? WHAT GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO DO

🌟 Watch as we explore the controversial topic of the Indian government possibly shutting down newspapers weekly. 🗞️ Could this self-declaration decision be the future of media regulation in India? 🧐 Join us for an in-depth discussion on the implications of such a move by the Government and its impact on freedom of the press. Stay informed and share your thoughts in the comments below! Don't miss out on this crucial debate about the latest developments in media governance. Stay tuned for all the latest updates on this ongoing issue. #IndianGovernment #SelfDeclaration #MediaRegulation

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