EZ Injector / Coupon Code / DIY Beauty Beginner Mesotherapy /Firm Skin Reducing Wrinkles / Glowing

7 months ago

EZ Injector / Coupon Code / DIY Beauty Beginner Mesotherapy /Firm Skin Reducing Wrinkles
Hello my lovelies !!!
I'm a BIG FAN of the EZ Injector. I have been using it for 5 years or more now !!🥰
It's been my go to for a quick treatment I love it so much I have 2 of them 💕

I started with just Hyaron. I'll link below with discount Codes. Hyaron is easy for Beginners. All you do is connect to EZ Injector simply.

Next I started mixing up some fun cocktails of my favorite products 😍
I'll list below some of my favorite mixing treatments that have worked for me.

I love love love this treatment ❤️ I almost forgot how much I loved it.

Please DM ME if you have any questions IG Happyhollystar 🫶

Links below with discount codes thank you for using my codes 😀 I appreciate it so VERY MUCH. It shows the company's how much we appreciate them 🙏🙏🙏 and it shows I have made a difference in your skincare journey ✨️ 🫶🙏

Amazon Links
EZ injector https://amzn.to/3KKygMK
Hyaron (does include syringe or transfer needle) https://amzn.to/4cr5o84
3ml Syringes https://amzn.to/3VNNK98
Syringe Adapter MIXING https://amzn.to/3RwAAL2
Transfer needle https://amzn.to/3VLz4XL
MIxing with Hyaron LIST i have used :
Artichoke Extract Serum https://amzn.to/4cqqUtr
Armesso Artichoke Plus https://amzn.to/3xuclWU

WHAT I HAVE USED WITH MY EZ injectors MY fav list !!!

https://facecard.club/ CODE (HOLLY5)
Hyaron https://facecard.club/product/hyaron-inj/
Kiara Reju https://facecard.club/product/kiara-reju/
Gouri https://facecard.club/product/gouri/

https://meamoshop.com/ CODE ( HOLLY15 )
Hyaron https://meamoshop.com/skin-boosters/hyaron/
Regenovue Aquashine https://meamoshop.com/skin-boosters/regenovue-aquashine/
AIOR50 https://meamoshop.com/skin-boosters/aior50/
Rejuran Healer Trueskin Essence https://meamoshop.com/skin-boosters/rejuran-healer-true-skin/

https://www.acecosm.com/ CODE (HOLLY10)
Hyaron https://www.acecosm.com/categories/skin-booster/hyaron
Ammi Premium Capture Time
Elaxen PN https://www.acecosm.com/categories/skin-booster/elaxen_pn
Juve Face https://www.acecosm.com/categories/skin-booster/juve_face

https://glamderma.com/ CODE ( HOLLY10)
Hyaron https://glamderma.com/product-detail/18
Caratfill https://glamderma.com/product-detail/2050
Iniblanc https://glamderma.com/product-detail/1582

https://getglowingnowskincare.com/ CODE HOLLY15
KIARA REJU SKIN BOOSTER https://getglowingnowskincare.com/kiara-reju-skin-booster-3-x-2-2ml-each/

Hyaron https://glamcosm.com/product-detail/eyJpdiI6InVSVEVFYklMTElNZEpHVEFxRFBtRVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiRVNqUmJWamZ2aXNOWkZNUk94OHExdz09IiwibWFjIjoiYTcxM2JkOTdhMDBiNzI1MzgxMjU0ZWZlMGVmMWI4OWI4NjFkNmUxNWM3YjFiNTgzNmQwNmMwMDI0YWIwODhiOCJ9

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