Episode #12 - Give thanks in all circumstances, and start right now.

8 months ago


For today's episode, we chose to give some love and respect to just a few of the people who have been a huge influence in our lives. If we tired to name everyone in one video, we would be here for days. Claudia and I are truly blessed with the presence of great people in our life. So to keep this video under an hour, we chose to thank 3 people each. We also made sure to exclude our parents, siblings and children because our gratitude for them goes beyond what we could put in words.



OK, now for the gratitude to special people in our lives.

We started with Pete Bramm, a great brother in Christ. Thank you for the sound proofing which will only help us get better. Everything we have done so far for our studio has come directly from our own pockets. But God! God has brought us friends like Pete Bramm who want to pour into this ministry, into this podcast and into our mission.

1 Chronicles 16 : 34 NKJV
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

1 Thessalonians 5 : 16-18 NKJV
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Chronicles 29 : 13 NKJV
Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name.

One thought becomes clear when looking at these three scriptures:
Give thanks in all circumstances, and start right now.

Claudia thanks:
-Michael (Mike) & Christine (Chris) Cox who introduced her to her first Bible study and even baptized her on Thanksgiving weekend, many moons ago. They showed Claudia what a Kingdom marriage truly looks like.
-Adriana (Adri) Bustamante who has been a huge supporter of Claudia's journey with the Lord. She has known Claudia since she was 18 and they have remained friends ever since (37+ years).

George thanks:
-Ramon (Big Ray) Torres who is George's oldest friend. They have walked through many of the same obstacles together, back in Williamsburg Brooklyn.
-Karen Valentin who is the sister God gave George even though she is not biologically related. George and Karen have been George and Karen for some of the toughest times. Karen is more of a sister to George than she would have been if Ostacio and Minerva had given her life.
-Felix Manuel Rosario (Junior), who was George's partner in crime. The cousin that was there to get in trouble with George and who never turned his back on him. Cousins who created a bond that will outlast this life.

Of course, The Rosarios took the time to thank members of the military. Why wait for Veteran's Day or Memorial Day? We all should take the time to thank a member of the military or has put their own life on the line for the rest of us. For all veterans, active members, and family members of military members, thank you. A special thanks to Orlando Rosario and Richard Agudelo for their service. #AttitudeOfGratitude

Who do you want to thank today?

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• George L. Rosario aka #GeorgeTheSpeaker
• Claudia P. Rosario aka #TheFeistyColombian
• CO-Founders at GC Rosario Group #gcrosariogroup
• Co-Missionaries with Kingdom Road Trip #KingdomRoadTrip #KingdomRoad

Claudia IG: https://www.instagram.com/thefeistycolombian/
George IG: https://www.instagram.com/glrosario/
Kingdom Road IG: https://www.instagram.com/thekingdomroad/
Follow all latest developments here: https://gcrosariogroup.com/kingdom-road

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