LGBT vs NeoNazis in Kiev Pride March, Ukraine

7 months ago

The funny thing is they're both funded by the same mob; EU, WEF, NATO and the Globalist Elite.

While the fakestream media are quick to blame the Orthodox Church as the instigators, they remain tight lipped on how EU, WEF, Nato and people like Victoria Nuland spent billions of people's tax dollars radicalizing Ukrainian youth into Nazis for decades.
The Orthodox Church was around for hundreds of years before any of this kicked off and it's only now when we see the rise of Nazism in Ukraine that they blame longstanding spiritual religious institutions.
Incidentally, the NeoNazis now follow a tradition called Rodnovery which was re-popularized by a pseudo-intellectual Zionist bigot, Victor Schnirelmann in order to attack and replace Christianity.

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