"I put my trust in Jesus" - An interview with Reggie Littlejohn

8 months ago

Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, which she founded in 2011.

She is a graduate of Yale Law School. She is an international expert on China's One Child Policy, (now the Three-Child Policy). Her organisation has been called the "leading voice" in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China.

Reggie is co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, a non-partisan group determined to protect and defend U.S. national sovereignty and personal medical freedom.

She is also co-founder and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force, dedicated to sounding the alarm about the dangers of digital IDs, which can be used as tools of mass surveillance and control, similar to the China Social Credit System.

She is the founder and president of Anti-Globalist International, an international counterforce to resist the Great Reset and to contend for our sovereign independence as individuals and as nation states, under God.

Reggie has testified eight times at the United States Congress. She has delivered briefings at the European, the British, Irish and Canadian Parliaments, The Hague, United Nations, State Department, White House, and the Vatican.

She is a monthly guest political commentator on Fox News Radio and has been featured in written, radio and internet TV pieces in major newspapers and stations.

She has worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta.

Reggie has received numerous honours:

"Top Ten people of 2013" by Inside the Vatican Magazine.

The National Pro-Life Recognition award by Priests for Life at the 40th March for Life.

The Cardinal O'Connor Pro-Life Award at the National Summit of Legatus.

In 2021, she received the "Women in Leadership: Changing the World" award from Mission College in California.

In 2022, LifeSiteNews named her one of the "People of the Year – Heroes of 2021 and People to Watch in 2022".

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- Reggie tells us why she founded Women's Rights Without Frontiers. She represented a refugee in her case for political asylum in the USA. That lady had been forcibly sterilised in China via a tubal ligation without anaesthesia. This was in the mid 1990s. Reggie ended up leaving the practice of law and using her legal skills to advocate on behalf of the women of China who were undergoing forced abortions.

- Reggie had been focused on Chinese human rights since the mid 1990s. When Covid hit, she was very alarmed to see Chinese style totalitarianism being exported worldwide, through the response to Covid. She realised that the digital vaccine passport could serve as the same platform as the China social credit system. That was when she co-founded the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force.

- Reggie did a presentation at the Patriot Club of America in March of this year. She said there, "We are at war and we don't know it. We’ve never been so close to losing our freedom and entering a digital dark age". (See references below for the link to that presentation).
In that presentation, Reggie discussed the Digital ID chart which can be found on the WEF (World Economic Forum) website, titled WEF Davos Agenda Digital ID Framework. We discuss the chart, and how Digital ID will impact all facets of our lives. (See references below for the website and chart).

- Reggie tells us the health pass was a pretext for Digital ID, which is going to do a whole lot more than just track whether or not someone is vaccinated.

- Reggie tells us how Digital ID could be used to discover who is a person of faith. eg. if you buy a bible from Amazon, that is tracked. If you go to Church, that is tracked. They can read your social media posts and your text messages and emails. It will track donations. They will have facial recognition and geo location.
She describes the FBI memo from Jan 2023 in Virginia USA, where Traditional Latin Mass Catholics were identified by the FBI as potential domestic threat actors based on their beliefs. Any faith that is not woke, will be identified.

- We discuss what happened in Geneva in May 2024, during the WHO World Health Assembly. There were two instruments that were voted on: 1) The IHR amendments and 2) The Pandemic Treaty.

People have declared victory with respect to the Pandemic Treaty, declaring it has been defeated. But in fact, the vote has only been delayed. There was no consensus on the text. It is not off the table.

- The IHR (International Health Regulations) amendments. She has been saying for months that it is illegal for them to have voted on this, because the WHO's own rules state that the amendments must be finalised for review by the nation states, 4 months before the vote, Article 55, section B. Instead, the final text was made available, only hours before the vote.

- Of the IHR amendments that were passed, Annex 1 is the most concerning. It included text requiring nations states to have surveillance and addressing misinformation / disinformation. The WHO wants to censor misinformation / disinformation, yet doesn't define those terms. Reggie believes the WHO will censor anything that is counter narrative to them.

- Reggie tells us about "One Health", which is mentioned in the Pandemic Treaty. It is balancing human health, animal health plant health and the environment. The balancing is anti-human. It puts human health as important as that of a cockroach. The Lancet states that all life is equal and of equal concern. This also gives the WHO the pretext to surveil everything, not just human health. It’s a blueprint for complete totalitarianism.

- In September, the UN is voting on an emergency platform for complex global shocks. See references for the UN document on this emergency platform, and the chart discussed in our interview. Reggie warns us that this emergency platform is another way of installing global governance.

- Reggie tells us about the organisation she founded, Anti Globalist International. She is encouraging everyone to read the manifesto on the website https://www.antiglobalist.net and sign the manifesto. This will mean you will be on the newsletter list, and receive updates. This platform makes it easier to contact MPs, congressmen and senators.

The manifesto can be signed with just the first name and the first initial of your surname.

- Reggie points out that you can change things when the grassroots communicate with their politicians, as ultimately politicians wish to be re-elected.

- We discuss the importance of free will to Christians, and how Catholic priests should talk about free will and how Digital ID will take free will from us.

Websites and videos referenced in the Interview:

- Anti-Globalist International

- Sovereignty Coalition

- Women's Rights Without Frontiers

- Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force

- WEF Davos Agenda Digital ID Framework.

- Reggie, presentation on March 5, 2024 to the Patriot Club of America.
WHO/UN/WEF Power Grab: The Goal is Total Control


- United Nations: Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks – An Emergency Platform

Go to Page 6 of this document to see the chart of the Complex Global Shocks.

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