Mexico just SHOCKED the world and EXPOSED the WHO's bird flu lies | Redacted w Clayton Morris

6 months ago

This is the same bull shit they tried to feed us with Covid, maybe even worse. No, definitely even worse... This time everyone is awake... The Great Awakening!!

Mexico just SHOCKED the world and EXPOSED the WHO's bird flu lies | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Mexico set the record straight and said that the person that died with bird flu had several other complicating factors including obesity, kidney and respiratory failure. So why did the World Health Organization say that the man died OF bird flu when in fact he died WITH bird flu and many other health co-morbidities? Are we doing this again? After the WHO tried to pass of the death as caused by bird flu last Wednesday, they turned around and corrected themselves on Friday saying that the death was "multifactorial." They did not apologize for the mis-assessment though but they should have.

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