This dumb bimbo still clipping my old stuff 617/24

8 months ago

Stella you need gived it up already who are you fooling girl seriously bride of chucky was right ganval right about atm richie said your weirdo you indeed a nutbar seriously posting stuff you need let it go what these proof Aaron carter is goned there no case your wasting police efforts 🚨 start wondering you keep this up stellaroseallday you going be lock up in looney bin if you keeps this don't strike you community post already made report already youtube removed my videos already stop posting my post you crazy 🤪kook you pay me for those each one of them they won't be freed adjust removed video all of mined removed my named from your channels don't be part insanity carterverse bullshit leaved me out of it or ask ppl to removed those post or my named crazy nutbar otherwised you will lose your channels entirely so keep it up stellaroseallday am taking them down way or the other find a way 🤥 lying stella rose

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