Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden Blunders are deep and cheap fakes, I worked on chainsaw and firewood

8 months ago

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Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden Blunders where he stands motionless, wanders around, and has to be led everywhere are deep and cheap fakes so don't believe your lying eyes 😵‍💫

I looked outside this morning to find an army of grey squirrels, I guess that explains the noise on my roof all the time, now to train them to go find money and bring it back to me so I can be rich 🤪

I worked with the firewood today cutting up the remaining 4 foot pieces near the stacked pieces, I only need about 8 more Cord before winter 🥶

I had to stop for a while because I broke the saftey switch on the chainsaw and had to repair it aka glue, tape, and pins for extra support, seems to be holding for now 🙄

Joe Biden always seems so arrogant, like he's better than everyone else like when he laughs and makes fun of the media, an old man acting like a spoiled child 💩

A clip from Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son 😎

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