Reading Night 21: The Sagnac Effect

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Reading Night 21: The Sagnac Effect

Hasselbach, Franz, and Marc Nicklaus. “Sagnac Experiment with Electrons: Observation of the Rotational Phase Shift of Electron Waves in Vacuum.” Physical Review A 48, no. 1 (01 1993): 143–51. Phys. Rev. A 48, 143 (1993) - Sagnac experiment with electrons: Observation of the rotational phase shift of electron waves in vacuum 3.
1993-Sagnac Experiment with Electro-Hasselbach.pdf (587.1 KB)

Werner, Samuel A. “Neutron Interferometry.” Physics Today 33, no. 12 (1980): 24–30.
Werner - 1980 - Neutron interferometry.pdf (1.9 MB)

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