Aerial Fire Ant Poison Spraying Killing Bee Hives and Making People and Animals Sick.

3 months ago

🐝 Beekeeper in Bonogin, Qld loses 14 hives after fire ant 🔥 🐜 eradication chopper sprayed his property.

on Facebook.

The lady who interviewed the beekeeper is also having health issues after the aerial fire 🔥 ant 🐜 spraying. She reached out to me this morning....

"Please help share the video and get this information out to the people. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Bees are very sensitive to their environment and the aerial baiting is having detrimental impact on us, our animals and our environment.

My Pomeranian became very ill, a week after the aerial baiting. He had severe diarrhoea, stopped eating, drinking and walking. We have also lost 3 beehives a week after baiting, on two separate occasions. We know of many others that have taken their dogs to dogparks where they have baited and also became very ill. There are dogs showing Parvo like symptoms after the baiting. My husband and myself had diarrhoea and headaches after the aerial baiting and I personally have developed a lingering persistent cough."

This is becoming a major health issue for people, pets, wildlife and the environment folks.


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