It is confirmed by all major scientific journals

8 months ago

Video: It is confirmed by all major scientific journals as well as my personal contacts in Singapore, HK, Taiwan & China. Western chip sanctions guaranteed to fail as thousands of top Chinese scientists return home 所有主要科學期刊以及我在新加坡、香港、台灣和中國的個人聯絡人都證實了這一點。數千名中國頂尖科學家回國,西方晶片製裁注定失敗.

China is now a scientific superpower, and now leads the United States and the European Union in several key measures of scholarship and research output.

China's top research and scientific talent are also headed back to China, and bringing with them deep, specialized industry knowledge in dozens of fields.

Western export curbs on critical technologies and tools for semiconductor manufacturing have ironically chased much top Chinese talent away from Silicon Valley and Europe, back to China. By closing off customers for their products, they concluded they are better off, instead, returning to China and doing business here, with Chinese partners and Chinese customers.



諷刺的是,西方對半導體製造關鍵技術和工具的出口限制將許多中國頂尖人才從矽谷和歐洲趕回中國。 他們得出的結論是,透過阻止客戶購買​​他們的產品,他們的處境會更好,相反,返回中國並在這裡與中國合作夥伴和中國客戶開展業務.

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