Jack Black endorsed Biden, Nissan Z Heritage, Biden says you cant resist tyranny with AR15 | Ep. 354

8 months ago

Today on The Topping Show Jack Black endorses Biden in viral video, Biden says we cant do anything if he become a tyrant because a ar15 is useless, Ford Diesel with no emission is ok for us air force but not for you and I, Biden freezes on stage and Obama has to guide him off another truck does a burnout on a pride mural, WNBA still on track to lose 50 million, McDonalds to temporarily stop AI drive through orders, Nisan Z Heritage debuts with stick shift option, and Toyota recalls 13k Crown vehicles, all that and much more on the Topping Show. #culture #politics #business #businessnews #biden #trump

0:00 Intro
1:10 Business
1:12 McDonalds to temporarily stop testing AI drive-thru orders
4:05 Nissan Z Heritage pays homage to Datsun, also has 3 pedals
13:56 Culture
13:58 Jack Black endorsed Biden in video about 50% favor it
26:40 Truck burnout street pride mural, police actively investigating
37:22 WNBA still on track to lose money, even with Caitlin Clark
43:35 Politics
43:37 Biden freeze on stage, Obama guides off
51:12 Biden says if he becomes a tyrant you cant resist and AR15 are useless
58:40 Ford Diesel with no emissions is ok, for Air Force
1:03:37 Business Blunder
1:03:39 Toyota recalls 13k vehicles

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